Ingo's Homepage
Ingo Viering
Table of Content
Nomor Research
Professor at TU Munich
List of Publications
Ph.D. Thesis
Research Interests
Former Thesis
Guided Diploma Thesis
No Research
Nomor Research
- Co-Founder of Nomor Research GmbH, Munich, September 2004
- Chief Executive Officer
Professor at TU Munich (Honorarprofessor)
- System Aspects in Communications (content)
- Institute for Communications Engineering (LNT)
List of Publications
B. Khodapanah, A. Awada, I. Viering, Andre Noll Barreto, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Framework for Slice-Aware Radio Resource Management utilizing Artificial Neural Networks,"
IEEE Access Magazine, October, 2020.
B. Khodapanah, A. Awada, I. Viering, Andre Noll Barreto, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Slice Management in Radio Access Network via Deep Reinforcement Learning"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring 2020, Antwerp, Belgium, May, 2020.
U. Karabulut, A. Awada, I. Viering, A. Noll Baretto, G. P. Fettweis,
„Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Conditional Handover in 5G Beamformed Systems,“
submitted to the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2020 , Soul, South Korea, April, 2020.
U. Karabulut, A. Awada, I. Viering, A. Noll Baretto, G. P. Fettweis,
„Low Complexity Channel Model for Mobility Investigations in 5G Networks,“
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2020 , Soul, South Korea, April, 2020.
B. Khodapanah, A. Awada, I. Viering, Andre Noll Barreto, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Slice Management in Radio Access Network via Deep Reinforcement Learning"
submitted to the Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2019 , Waikoloa, Hawaii, December, 2019.
A. Ali, U. Karabulut, A. Awada, I. Viering, O. Tirkkonen, A. Noll Baretto, G. P. Fettweis,
„System Model for Average Downlink SINR in 5G Multi-Beam Networks,“
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2019 , Istanbul, Turkey, September, 2019.
B. Elmali, A. Awada, U. Karabulut, I. Viering,
"Analysis and Performance of Beam Management in 5G Networks,"
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2019 , Istanbul, Turkey, September, 2019.
B. Khodapanah, A. Awada, I. Viering, Andre Noll Barreto, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Slice Management in Radio Access Network via Iterative Adaptation"
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2019 , Shanghai, China, May, 2019.
B. Khodapanah, A. Awada, I. Viering, J. Francis, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Radio Resource Management in context of Network Slicing: What is Missing in Existing Mechanisms?"
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2019, Marrakech, Morocco, April, 2019.
U. Karabulut, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Spatial and Temporal Channel Characteristics of 5G 3D Channel Model with Beamforming for User Mobility Investigations,"
IEEE Communications Magazine, November, 2018.
P. Rost, M. Breitbach, H. Roreger, B. Erman, C. Mannweiler, R. Millder, I. Viering,
"Customized Industrial Networks - Network Slicing Trial at Hamburg Seaport,"
IEEE Communications Magazine, October, 2018.
H. Martikainen, I. Viering, A. Lobinger, T. Jokela,
"On the Basics of Conditional Handover for 5G Mobility,"
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2018 , Bologna, Italy, September, 2018.
D. Oehmann, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Modeling and Analysis of Intra-Frequency Multi-Connectivity for High Availability in 5G,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring 2018, Porto, Portugal, June, 2018.
B. Khodapanah, A. Awada, I. Viering, D. Oehmann, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Fulfillment of Service Level Agreements via Slice-Aware Radio Resource Management in 5G Networks,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring 2018, Porto, Portugal, June, 2018.
U. Karabulut, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Average Downlink SINR Model for 5G mmWave Networks with Analog Beamforming,"
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2018, April, 2018.
I. Viering, H. Martikainen, A. Lobinger, B. Wegmann,
"Zero-Zero Mobility: Intra-Frequency Handovers with Zero Interruption and Zero Failures,"
IEEE Network Magazine, March, 2018.
F. B. Tesema, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Impact of Cyclic Prefix Configuration on Mobility Performance of Multi-connectivity in 5G Networks,"
IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications & Networking (CSCN) 2017, Helsinki, Finland, September, 2017.
H. Martikainen, I. Viering, A. Lobinger, B. Wegmann,
"Mobility and Reliability in LTE-5G Dual Connectivity Scenarios,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Confernce (VTC) Fall 2017 , Toronto, Canada, September, 2017.
A. Awada, A. Lobinger, A. Enqvist, A. Talukar, I. Viering,
"Simplified Deterministic Channel Model for User Mobility Investigations in 5G Networks,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2017 , Paris, France, May, 2017.
D. Oehmann, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Impact of Mobility on the Reliability Performance of 5G Multi-Connectivity Architectures,"
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2017 , San Fracisco, California, USA, March, 2017.
F. B. Tesema, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Evaluation of Context-Aware Mobility Robustness Optimization and Multi-Connectivity in Intra-Frequency 5G Ultra Dense Networks,"
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters , September, 2016.
F. B. Tesema, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Multi-connectivity for Mobility Robustness in Standalone 5G Ultra Dense Networks with Intra-frequency Cloud Radio Access,"
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Wileys, June, 2016.
D. W. Kifle, B. Wegmann, F. B. Tesema, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Self Optimizing Network (SON) Framework for Automated Vertical Sectorization",
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2016, Valencia, Spain, September, 2016.
F. B. Tesema, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Fast Cell Select for Mobility Robustness in Intra-frequency 5G Ultra Dense Networks,"
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2016, Valencia, Spain, September, 2016.
D. Oehmann, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Diversity Trade-Offs and Joint Coding Schemes for Highly Reliable Wireless Transmissions,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall) 2016 , Montréal, Canada, September, 2016.
D. Michalopoulos, I. Viering, Du Lei,
"User-Plane Multi-Connectivity Aspects in 5G,"
IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Thessaloniki, Greece, May, 2016.
E. Pérez, K.-J. Friederichs, A. Lobinger, B. Wegmann, I. Viering,
"Utilization of Licensed Shared Access resources in indoor small cells scenarios”,
11th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM) , Grenoble, France, May, 2016.
D. W. Kifle, B. Wegmann, F. B. Tesema, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Self Optimizing Network (SON) Framework For Automated Vertical Sectorization",
submitted to the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters , November, 2015.
H. Martikainen, I. Viering, B. Wegmann,
"Dynamic Range Aware LTE Uplink P0 Optimization in HetNet,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May, 2016.
D. Oehmann, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Achieving High Availability in Wireless Networks by Inter-Frequency Multi-Connectivity,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May, 2016.
F. B. Tesema, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Evaluation of Adaptive Active Set Management for Multi-connectivity in Intra-frequency 5G Networks,"
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2016 , Doha, Qatar, April 2016.
D. Oehmann, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"SINR Model with Best Server Association for High Availability Studies of Wireless Networks,"
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters , September, 2015.
B. Panzner, V. Pauli, L. Yu, I. Viering,
"System Level Modeling of In-band Wireless Backhaul for 5G mmW,"
IEEE ISWC 2015 , Brussels, Belgium, August 2015.
D. Oehmann, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Best Server SINR Models for Single- and Multi-Point Transmission in Wireless Networks,"
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2015 , San Diego, CA, USA, December 2015.
F. B. Tesema, A. Awada, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Mobility Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Multi-connectivity in 5G Intra-frequency Networks,"
IEEE GC 2015 Workshop on Ultra-Low Latency and Ultra-High Reliability in Wireless Communications (in co-location with IEEE Globecom) 2015 , San Diego, CA, USA, December 2015.
F. B. Tesema, P. Zanier, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Limitations of Workaround Mobility Robustness and eICIC in the Presence of Mix of User Types,"
submitted to the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters , March, 2015.
D. W. Kifle, B. Wegmann, F. B. Tesema, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Enhancing Vertical Sectorization Performance with eICIC in AAS Based LTE-A Deployment",
IEEE Vehicular Techonology Conderence (VTC) Fall 2015, Boston, USA, September, 2015.
D. W. Kifle, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Study on Impact of Vertical Sectorization on Mobility and Existing MRO Performance",
European Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC) 2015, Paris, France, July, 2015.
S. Berger, M. Simsek, P. Zanier, I. Viering, G. Fettweis,
"Joint Downlink and Uplink Tilt-Based Self-Organization of Coverage and Capacity Under Sparse System Knowledge,"
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2014
S. Berger, M. Danneberg, P. Zanier, I. Viering, G. Fettweis,
"Experimental Evaluation of the Uplink Dynamic Range Threshold,"
accepted to the EURASIP Special Issue on Experimental Evaluation in Wireless Communications, 2014.
F. B. Tesema, P. Zanier, I. Viering, M. Simsek, G. P. Fettweis,
"Co-existence of Enhanced Inter Cell Interference Co-ordination and Mobility Robustness Optimization,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2015 , London, United Kingdom, June, 2015.
S. Berger, B. Almeroth, V. Suryaprakash, P. Zanier, I. Viering, G. Fettweis,
"Dynamic Range-Aware Uplink Transmit Power Control in LTE Networks,"
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 3, Issue 5, 2014.
S. Berger, A. Fehske, P. Zanier, I. Viering, G. Fettweis,
"Online Antenna Tilt-Based Capacity and Coverage Optimization,"
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 3, Issue 4, 2014.
E. Pérez, K.-J. Friederichs, A. Lobinger, S. Redana, I. Viering, J. D. Naranjo,
"Optimization of Authorised/Licensed Shared Access resources”,
9th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM) 2014, Oulu, Finland, June, 2014. Invited Paper.
D. W. Kifle, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Mathematical Model for Vertical Sectorization (VS) in AAS Based LTE Deployment”,
International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2014, Barcelona, Spain, August, 2014. Best Paper Award.
D. W. Kifle, L. Gimenez, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Comparison and Extension of Existing 3D Propagation Models with Real-world Effects Based on Ray-tracing”,
Springer Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, June, 2014.
F. B. Tesema, P. Zanier, I. Viering, A. J. Fehske, G. P. Fettweis,
"Comparison of Abstract Resource Management Model for SON algorithm of eICIC with Real Radio Resource Management,"
IEEE Vehicular Techonology Conderence (VTC) Fall 2014, Vancouver, Canada, September, 2014.
S. Berger, A. Fehske, P. Zanier, I. Viering, G. Fettweis,
"Comparing Online and Offline SON Solutions for Concurrent Capacity and Coverage Optimization,"
IEEE Vehicular Techonology Conderence (VTC) Fall 2014, Vancouver, Canada, September, 2014.
F. B. Tesema, P. Zanier, I. Viering, A. J. Fehske, G. P. Fettweis,
"Simplified Scheduler Models for SON Algorithms of eICIC in Heterogeneous Networks,"
Euroopean Wireless (EW) 2014, Barcelona, Spain, May, 2014.
A. Gebremariam, D. W. Kifle, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Techniques of Candidate Cell Selection for Antenna Tilt Adaptation in LTE-Advanced”,
Euroopean Wireless (EW) 2014, Barcelona, Spain, May, 2014.
J. D. Naranjo, A. Ravanshid, I. Viering, Ruediger Halfmann, G. Bauch,
"Interference Map Estimation Using Spatial Interpolation of MDT Reports in Cognitive Radio Networks”,
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, April, 2014.
M. Polignano, P. Mogensen, P. Fotiadis, L. Chavarria, I. Viering, P. Zanier,
"The Inter-Cell Interference Dilemma in Dense Outdoor Small Cell Deployment",
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring 2014 , Seoul, South Korea, May, 2014.
P. Fotiadis, I. Viering, K. Pedersen, P. Zanier,
"Abstract Radio Resource Management Framework for System Level Simulations in LTE-A Systems”,
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring 2014 , Seoul, South Korea, May, 2014.
P. Fotiadis, M. Polignano, I. Viering and P. Zanier,
"On the Potentials of Traffic Steering in HetNet Deployments with Carrier Aggregation”,
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring 2014 , Seoul, South Korea, May, 2014.
D. W. Kifle, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Super-Cell From Inner Sectors of Active Antenna System (AAS) - Vertical Sectorization”,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2014 , Sidney, Australia, June, 2014.
S. Berger, P. Zanier, M. Soszka, A. Fehske, I. Viering, G. Fettweis,
"What is the Advantage of Cooperation in Self-Organizing Networks?,"
2013 IFIP Wireless Days conference , Valencia, Spain, November, 2013.
A. Fehske, I. Viering, J. Voigt, C. Sartori, S. Redana, G. Fettweis,
"Small Cell Self-Organizing Wireless Networks",
Proceedings of the IEEE, 2013. Invited Paper.
P. Fotiadis, I. Viering, K. I. Pedersen, P. Zanier,
"Cross Component Carrier Packet Scheduling Modelling for System Level Carrier Aggregation Simulations”,
submitted to the Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Spring 2014, Seoul, South Korea, May, 2014.
D. W. Kifle, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"On The Potential of Traffic Driven Tilt Optimization in LTE-A Networks”,
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2013), London, UK, September, 2013.
S. Berger, A. Fehske, I. Viering, P. Zanier, G. Fettweis,
"Joint Throughput and Coverage Optimization Under Sparse System Knowledge in LTE-A Networks,"
International Conference on ICT Confergence (ICTC) 2013, Jeju, Korea, October, 2013.
S. Berger, A. Fehske, I. Viering, P. Zanier, G. Fettweis,
"On The Advantages of Location Resolved Input Data for Throughput Optimization Algorithms in Self-Organizing Wireless Networks,"
IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM) 2013 , Atlanta, USA, December, 2013.
A. Awada, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"'A Location-based Self-Optimizing Algorithm for the Inter-RAT Handover Parameters,"
IEEE Internation Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, Budapest, Hungary, June, 2013.
B. Wegmann, A. Awada, K. Kordybach, I. Viering,
"Inter-RAT MRO in 3GPP Rel.11: What works, and what does not",
Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2012, Dresden, Germany, May, 2013.
P. Fotiadis, M. Polignano, L. Chavarria Gimenez, I. Viering, C. Sartori, A. Lobinger, S. Redana,
"Multi-Layer Traffic Steering: RRC Idle Absolute Priorities & Potential Enhancements",
Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2012, Dresden, Germany, May, 2013.
D. W. Kifle, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Impact of Antenna Tilting on Propagation Shadowing Model”,
Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2012, Dresden, Germany, May, 2013.
J. D. Naranjo, A. Bou Saleh, Ruediger Halfmann, G. Bauch, I. Viering,
"Interference Protection Mechanism for LTE-Advanced Radio Access Networks Supporting Dynamic Spectrum Access”,
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2013, Shanghai, China, April, 2013.
J. D. Naranjo, R. C. Dwarakanath, A. Bou Saleh, G. Bauch, I. Viering,
"Traffic Forecasting with Artificial Neural Networks for DSA based on LTE-Advanced Carrier Aggregation”,
submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2013, Shanghai, China, April, 2013.
J. D. Naranjo, A. Bou Saleh, I. Viering, Ruediger Halfmann,
"A Dynamic Spectrum Access Scheme for an LTE-A HetNet with Carrier Aggregation”,
International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC) 2013, Munich, Germany, January, 2013.
I. Viering, C. Sartori,
"Automation challenges in “Heterogeneous” HetNets”,
International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN) 2012, Munich, Germany, July, 2012. Keynote Speech.
A. Awada, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Performance Comparison of Signal Strength and Signal Quality Based Inter-RAT MRO,"
International Workshop on Self-Organizing Networs (IWSON) 2012, Paris, August, 2012.
A. Awada, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Cell-Pair Specific Optimization of the Inter-RAT Handover Parameters in SON,"
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Sidney, Australia, September, 2012.
J. D. Naranjo, I. Viering, K.-J. Friederichs, "A Cognitive Radio Based Dynamic Spectrum Access Scheme for LTE Heterogeneous Networks”,
Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2012, London, UK, April, 2012.
A. Awada, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein, "A SON-Based Algorithm for the Optimization of inter-RAT Handover Parameters”,
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, November, 2011.
Seppo Hamalainen, Henning Sanneck, Cinzia Sartori (Editors)
LTE Self-organizing Networks (SON): Network Management Automation for Operational Efficiency, Wiley, January, 2012.
I. Viering, B. Wegmann, H. Martikainen, A. Awada, A. Lobinger, "Mobility Robustness Optimization beyond Doppler Effect and WSS Assumption,"
IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2011, Aachen, Germany, November, 2011. Invited Paper.
A. Awada, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Self-Optimization Algorithm for Inter-RAT Configuration Parameters,"
IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2011, Aachen, Germany, November, 2011.
J. Turkka, T. Nihtilä, I. Viering,
"Performance of LTE SON Uplink Load Balanncing in Non-Regular Networks,"
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada, September, 2011.
A. Awada, B. Wegmann, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Optimizing Radio Network Parameters of Long Term Evolution System Using Taguchi's Method,"
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, January, 2011.
O. Bulakci, A. Awada, A. Bou Saleh, S. Redana, J. Hämäläinen, B. Wegmann, B. Raaf, I. Viering,
"Joint Optimization of Uplink Power Control Parameters in LTE-Advanced Relay Networks,"
IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobilte Computing Conference 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, July, 2011.
A. Awada, B. Wegmann, D. Rose, I. Viering, A. Klein,
"Towards Self-Organizing Mobility Robustness Optimization in Inter-RAT Scenario,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2011, Budapest, Hungary, May, 2011.
T. Nihtilä, J. Turkka, I. Viering,
"Performance of LTE Self-Optimizing Networks Uplink Load Balancing,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2011, Budapest, Hungary, May, 2011.
A. Awada, I. Viering, B. Wegmann, A. Klein,
"A Mathematical Model for User Traffic in Coverage and Capacity Optimization of a Cellular Network,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2011, Budapest, Hungary, May, 2011.
A. Awada, I. Viering, B. Wegmann, A. Klein,
"A Joint Optimization of Antenna Parameters in a Cellular Network Using Taguchi’s Method,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2011, Budapest, Hungary, May, 2011.
A. Awada, I. Viering, B. Wegmann, A. Klein,
"A Game-Theoretic Approach to Load Balancing in Cellular Radio Networks,"
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Istanbul, Turkey, September, 2010.
I. Viering, A. Lobinger, S. Stefanski,
"Efficient uplink modeling for dynamic system-level simulations,"
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, February, 2010.
I. Viering, M. Peltomäki, O. Tirkkonen, M. Alava, R. Waldhauser,
"A Distributed Power Saving Algorithm for Cellular Networks,"
IFIP Fourth International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, December, 2009.
Harri Holma, Antti Toskala (Editors),
LTE for UMTS - OFDMA and SC-FDMA Based Radio Access, Wiley, June, 2009.
D. Morais de Andrade,
A. Klein,
H. Holma,
I. Viering,
G. Liebl,
"Performance Evaluation on Dual-Cell HSDPA Operation,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2009, Anchorage, Alaska, Alaska, 2009.
M. Döttling,
I. Viering,
"Challenges in mobile network operation: towards self-optimizing networks,"
IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, April, 2009. Invited Talk.
I. Viering,
M. Döttling,
A. Lobinger,
"A mathematical perspective of self-optimizing wireless networks,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications 2009, Dresden, Germany, June, 2009.
V. Pauli,
I. Viering,
C. Buchner,
E. Saad,
G. Liebl,
A. Klein,
"Efficient Link-to-Systemlevel Modeling for Accurate Simulations of MIMO-OFDM Systems,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications 2009, Dresden, Germany, June, 2009.
M. Wrulich,
S. Eder,
I. Viering,
M. Rupp,
"System Level Modeling of D-TxAA MIMO HSDPA,"
IEEE Globecom 2008 Wireless Communications Symposium, New Orleans, LA, USA, November, 2008.
M. Castaneda,
M. Ivrlac,
J. A. Nossek,
I. Viering,
A. Klein,
"Outdated Link Adaptation due to Changes in the Scheduling Decision in Interfering Cells,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2008, Beijing, China, May, 2008.
D. Andrade Morais,
M. Färber,
I. Viering,
"GSM Re-Farming by LTE, Uplink Link Budget Consideration,"
IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN) 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2007.
M. Castaneda,
M. Ivrlac,
I. Viering,
A. Klein,
J. A. Nossek,
"On Downlink Intercell Interference in a Cellular Network,"
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2007, Athens, Greece, September 2007.
I. Viering,
C. Buchner,
E. Seidel,
A. Klein,
"Real-time Network Simulation of 3GPP Long Term Evolution,"
IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) 2007, Helsinki, Finland, June 2007. Best Demo Award.
I. Viering,
E. Seidel,
"OFDM in Mobile and Cellular Systems,"
International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum (MCSS) 2007, Herrsching, Germany, 2007. Invited Talk.
J. Afzal, T. Stockhammer, E. Seidel, C. Buchner, I. Viering, G. Cheung, T. Sakamoto, Y. Araki, M. Sweeney, T. Ota, "Real Time Applications over HSPA," 9-th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) 2006, Malaga, Spain, October 2006.
M. Doerpinghaus,
L. Schmitt,
I. Viering,
A. Klein,
J. Schmid,
G. Ascheid,
H. Meyr,
"Enhanced Predictive Up/Down Power Control for CDMA Systems,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006.
I. Viering,
A. Klein,
M. Ivrlac,
M. Castaneda,
J. A. Nossek,
"On Uplink Intercell Interference in a Cellular System,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006.
M. Doerpinghaus,
L. Schmitt,
I. Viering,
A. Klein,
H. Dieterich,
G. Ascheid,
H. Meyr,
"On the Analysis of an Up/Down Power COntrol CDMA System in a Fast Rayleigh-Fading Environment,"
IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, Dresden, Germany, June 2005.
B. Zerlin,
M. Ivrlac,
W. Utschick,
J. A. Nossek,
A. Klein,
I. Viering,
"Joint optimization of radio parameters in HSDPA,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2005, Sweden, Stockholm, May 2005.
L. Schmitt,
T. Grundler,
C. Schreyoegg,
I. Viering,
H. Meyr,
"Maximum Ratio Combining of Correlated Diversity Branches with Imperfect Channel State Information and Colored Noise,"
IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA) 2004, Sydney, Australia, August 2004.
A. Szabo,
N. Geng,
A. Klein,
I. Viering,
J. A. Nossek,
"On the performance of fast feedback and link adaptation for MIMO eigenbeamforming in cellular systems,"
ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas 2004 (Poster),, Munich, Germany, March 2004.
A. Szabo,
N. Geng,
A. Klein,
I. Viering,
J. A. Nossek,
"On Fast Feedback Mismatch in Multi-User MIMO Eigenbeamforming with Scheduling,"
submitted to EURASIP.
B. Zerlin,
M. Joham,
W. Utschick,
A. Seeger,
I. Viering,
"Linear Precoding in W-CDMA Systems based on S-CPICH Channel Estimation,"
Invited paper, ISSPIT 2003, Darmstadt, Germany, December 2003.
M. Kiessling,
I. Viering,
M. Reinhardt,
J. Speidel,
"Statistical prefiltering for MIMO systems with linear receivers in the presence of transmit correlation,"
Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2003, Jeju, South Corea, April 2003.
M. Kiessling,
I. Viering,
M. Reinhardt,
J. Speidel,
"Long-term linear prefiltering for MMSE and ML receivers in correlated MIMO channels,"
WCNC 2003, New Orleans, USA, March, 2003.
I. Viering,
H. Hofstetter,
"Potential of Coefficient Reduction in Delay, Space and Time based on Measurements,"
CISS 2003, Baltimore, USA, March, 2003.
H. Hofstetter,
I. Viering,
P. H. Lehne, ,
"Spatial and temporal long term properties of typical urban base stations at different heights,"
COST273 6th Meeting, TD(03)61, Barcelona, Spain, January 2003.
I. Viering,
H. Hofstetter,
W. Utschick,
"Validity of Spatial Covariance Matrices over Time and Frequency,"
IEEE Globecom 02, Taipeh, Taiwan, November 2002.
I. Viering,
H. Hofstetter,
W. Utschick,
"Spatial Long-Term Variation in Urban, Rural and Indoor Environments,"
COST273 5th Meeting, TD(02)131, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2002.
- H. Hofstetter,
C.F. Mecklenbräuker,
R. Müller,
H. Anegg,
H. Kunczier,
E. Bonek,
I. Viering,
A. Molisch,
"Description of wireless MIMO measurements at 2GHz in selected environments,"
COST273 5th Meeting, TD(02)135, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2002.
M. Kiessling,
I. Viering,
M. Reinhardt,
J. Speidel,
"Short-Term and Long-Term Diagonalization of Correlated MIMO Channels with Adaptive Modulation,"
IEEE PIMRC 2002, Lisboa, Portugal, September, 2002.
N. Geng,
M. Kiessling,
I. Viering,
"Multi-User MIMO-OFDM Cell Throughput under Real-World Propagation Conditions,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2002, Vancouver, September, 2002.
I. Viering,
T. Grundler,
A. Seeger,
"Improving Uplink Adaptive Antenna Algorithms for WCDMA by Covariance Matrix Compensation,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2002, Vancouver, September, 2002.
M. Kiessling,
I. Viering,
M. Reinhardt,
J. Speidel,
"A closed form bound on correlated MIMO channel capacity,"
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2002, Vancouver, September, 2002.
H. Hofstetter,
I. Viering,
W. Utschick,
"Evaluation of Suburban measurements by eigenvalue statistics,"
COST273 4th Meeting, Espoo, Finland, May 2002.
I. Viering,
T. Frey,
G. Schnabl,
"Hybrid Beamforming: Eigen Beamforming on Beam Signals,"
International Zurich Seminar on Broadband Communications, Zurich, Swiss, February 2002.
I. Viering,
M. Reinhardt,
T. Frey,
"Statistical Modelling of spatially correlated MIMO channels,"
ISPACS 2001, Nashville, November, 2001.
Ph.D. Thesis
- Ingo Viering,
Analysis of Second Order Statistics for Improved Channel Estimation in Wireless Communications, VDI-Verlag, ISBN 3-18-373310-2, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ulm, 2003.
Research Interests
- 5G Mobility
- 5G Multi-Connectivity
- 5G Architecture
- Long Term Evolution (LTE)
- Long Term HSPA Evolution (LTHE)
- Self-Organizing Networks (SON)
- Mobility Concepts
- Radio Resource Management Concepts (Scheduling, interference coordination, link adaptation)
- Heterogeneous Networks (HetNet)
- Inter-RAT Operation
- Antenna Concepts (MIMO, CoMP, flexible sectorization, etc.)
- Cognitive Radio Concepts
Former Thesis
Ingo Viering, Development of a Data Link Protocol for the 3rd Generation Mobile Communication System UMTS, Diploma Thesis, TU Darmstadt, Juli 1999.
Ingo Viering, Simulation von ARQ-Protokollen fuer Mobilfunksysteme unter Beruecksichtigung des physikalischen Kanals, Studienarbeit, TU Darmstadt, November 1998.
Guided Diploma Thesis
Michael Ehler, Investigation of Antenna Array Concepts for 3rd Generation Mobile Communication Systems, Diploma Thesis, University of Ulm, August 2001.
Frank Fiedermutz, Investigation of Transmitter and Receiver Structures with Multiple Antennas, Diploma Thesis, University of Ulm, April 2002.
Nebojsa Atanackovic, Statistical Prefiltering for Wireless Multiple Antenna Systems with Feedback Links, Diploma Thesis, University of Ulm, August 2003.
No Research
Last update May 18th 2017 by Ingo